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How You Can Start Using the Power of the 6-Second Bumper Ad in YouTube

6-second bumper ads YouTube ads 2019

If you ever jumped into the world of YouTube Ads, you have heard of the six-second bumper ad. Actually, if you’ve ever watched a YouTube video, you have most likely seen multiple six-second bumper ads. Such ads are the ones that allow you to skip the rest of the content in order to watch the video you clicked on.

Alert! Since introducing bumper ads in 2016, companies are utilizing some exciting creativity. The effectiveness of 6-second ads have been surprising for companies.

6-Second Bumper Ads Fairytale Examples

One company decided to utilize multiple 6-second ads which then lead to 15-second ads and 1-minute ads. Through the strategy of building multi-part 6-second ad bites, they increased interest in their story through these quick videos.

The Hecho en 72 team setup six-second videos to give little snippets of what the movie “Puss in Boots” was about. The subsequent videos people would see as bumper ads would start with “Welcome back” to remind the viewer they video ads were connected.

You can watch how creative agencies reimagined fairytales with 6-second bumper ads here.

Product Promotion with 6-Second Bumper Ads on YouTube

Another way 6-second ads in YouTube ads were used was through different six-second ads which told just a little bit of the story in order to capture intrigue. This lead viewers to connect the dots or put the pieces together by themselves. Eventually a story is told over time. This was done with “Little Red Riding Hood” where viewers found out Little Red Riding Hood becomes the heroine instead of the victim.

A third option is to use the quick video ads to promote a product. You can use these 6-second vine like videos as a spot to present a product demo or even a feature benefit play. This was done with the team tasked with recreating “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” which turned into ads for a real lock.

6-second bumper ads Goldi's Locks example

The Bumper Machine on YouTube Ads

Even better yet, YouTube is now giving companies an extra boost with their 6-second ads. They have a new tool called “Bumper Machine” which of course relies on machine learning. This “machine” is trained to find “moments” in videos which would match up with 6-second ads which already had good success. It is then able to pick out moments in longer form video to use as different six-second ad variations. It can give you multiple options in a minutes.

If your company doesn’t need help having 6-second videos created, you can feed the 6-second ads to the “Bumper Machine.” It will then be able to start visualizing a story for you.


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